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Baeckea gunniana Baeckea gunniana

A unique evergreen member of the Myrtaceae family native to moist, rocky areas within alpine and subalpine regions of Australia. This forms a dense mound with arching branches, 3ft by 4ft with early summer small white flowers en masse. Diminutive leaves become coppery in winter, smelling lovely when crushed.

Price: $18.00
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Barnardia japonica syn. Scilla scillioides Barnardia japonica syn. Scilla scillioides

Fricking taxonomists - we were so happy with Scilla scillioides.  Choice and seldom ofered Chines/Japan/Korean bulb that flowers in late summer with 10"-15" stems of Scilla-like pinkish-lavender flowers without the distraction of its grassy leaves.  Pretty cool and easy naturalizer that we can finally offer.

Price: $15.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia 'Red Fred' Begonia 'Red Fred'

Large burnished red to maroon to olive-maroon leaves depending on leaf maturity and light intensity.  The small pinkish red flowers are nice but not required for universal admiration.  Our big plant has the gravitational pull of a black hole upon visitors who walk by a plethora of amazing rarities to pay homage to Fred.  Frost-free.

Price: $16.00
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Begonia baviensis - Vietnam Begonia baviensis - Vietnam

Shayne Chandler's collection from Vietnam of this assuredly tender but most enchanting Begonia. Long stems gloriously hirsute in red hairs hold broadly rounded palmate leaves whose upper surface is studded with carefully spaced green hairs and the underside veins bristle darkly. Pendulous white flowers are small but wow with calyces bearded thickly in Viking red. We easily overwinter this in a cool greenhouse.

Price: $20.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia cf. palmata DJHM 13008 Begonia cf. palmata DJHM 13008

A collection by Hinkley from Myanmar at 9000' of this handsome species with nicely patterned leaves. Pink flowers.  Hardiness is unknown but would guess a warm zone 8 with a good winter blanket of mulch in colder zone 8 at least until more is known.

Price: $15.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia cf. sizemoreae Begonia cf. sizemoreae DJHV 13160

A Hinkley collection from Vietnam of this stunning foliage species whose bullate rumpled leaves are covered in imposing bristle-like hairs.  A gorgeous container plant or if you live where the frost is light and infrequent - and you know who you are and just so you know, we hate you - then this is fine out in the garden.  Flowers white if memory serves.

Price: $16.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia circumlobata 'Chandler's Hardy' Begonia circumlobata 'Chandler's Hardy'

A Shayne Chandler collection from China of this most attractive species which has proven hardy in his garden as well as the equally mild garden at Heronswood both which are zone 8b.  Lovely deeply lobed leaves liberally spotted in white and the late season pink flowers play well with the foliage.  Mulch in winter zones 8a-7b.

Price: $16.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia edulis NV 96 syn. cf. villifolia Begonia edulis NV 96 syn. cf. villifolia

Asian seed collection from an area denuded of woody plants for firewood and hungry small goats. This Begonia found a tenuous asylum between boulders. Light pink flowers and leaves covered in light red hairs and is a rhizomatous type suited for milder gardens in the PNW if mulched in winter. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Far Reaches Botanical Conservancy.

Price: $25.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia edulis OJ10-VN140 syn. cf. villifolia Begonia edulis OJ10-VN140 syn. cf. villifolia

Large tan-green leaves with a later than 5 o'clock shadow of red hairs. Pink flowers play peekaboo in the foliage. A species not fully trialed for hardiness, but zone 8b with protection.

Price: $18.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia formosana Begonia formosana

We received this labeled as Begonia sp. Guizhou 2011 but which we strongly suspect is a Mark Weathington Taiwan collection in 2010.  We have the latter from Mark and the two are identical.  A compact species to be sure, with small pale green, angel's wing leaves held aloft by short stems. Pink flowers.

Price: $15.00
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Begonia hemsleyana Begonia hemsleyana

Eye-catching species from China with palmate leaves spritzed with white on top and a bright maroon underneath.  The pink flowers are just another layer of adornment as we are always completely satisfied with the leaves alone.  Hardy to zone 8 with a little mulch in winter.  This is slow to go in the spring, waiting until June but it catches right up.

Price: $16.00
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Begonia hemsleyana YuGu 303 Begonia hemsleyana YuGu 303

A rare wild-origin offering of this hardy-for-us species.  This develops stout vertical stems which hold palm-like leaves consisting of 8 narrow green leaflets.  The late-season pink flowers ignite the pleasure centers which had been happily simmering all summer from the foliar architecture.  Nice to introduce some new genetics

Price: $16.00
In Stock
Begonia koelzii NJM 12.077 Begonia koelzii NJM 12.077

A collection by plantsman Nick Macer of Pan Global Plants of this choice species which has awaited introduction since Frank Kingdon Ward first discovered it over 70 years ago.  Striking deeply lobed palmate leaves held on long spotted stems with late season pink flowers.  Visually arresting clump, to be honest.

Price: $30.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia muliensis Begonia muliensis

A tuberous species allied to Begonia taliense and differing mainly in the shallow lobes of the leaves.  This is native to SW Sichuan and the Zhongdian Plateau in Yunnan.  This has reasonable hardiness as it grows up to 2600 meters and is excellent in zone 8 gardens especially if you winter mulch.  A low and densely clumping species with bright pink flowers late in summer.

Price: $15.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia sp. cf. palmata. CGG 14138 Begonia sp. cf. palmata. CGG 14138

A collection from Asia from an area rarely visited by westerners.  This rhizomatous species has leaves variably marked in pale patterns topside and varying shades of red beneath.  Upright stems to 10"-18" with pink flowers.  Hardiness unknown yet but the mantra of "grow until you can split it then try outside mulching like heck for winter" applies.

Price: $15.00
In Stock
Begonia sp. DJHC 98234 Begonia sp. DJHC 98234

Large green leaves stippled in evenly spaced pale hairs and small flowers pink in bud and on the reverse, opening to nearly white with the gentlest of pink touching the face.  A rhizomatous species that has been hardy in mild PNW gardens especially if mulched in winter with something airy yet insulating.  A Hinkley collection from China.

Price: $18.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia sp. DJHHu 15116 Begonia sp. DJHHu 15116

A collection of this rhizomatous species from Hubei by Dan Hinkley which has proven hardy thus far in mild PNW gardens when mulched during the short arctic blasts that keeps Seattle from growing the same plants as San Francisco.  But for that one cold week we could be growing this Begonia under flowering Puya.  Good leaves lowers not seen or perhaps more truthfully, not remembered but will go out on a limb and say pink or white.

Price: $16.00
In Stock
Begonia sp. DM 16014 Begonia sp. DM 16014

A Hinkley collection of this rhizomatous Begonia from 9500' in the far eastern Himalaya. Attractive foliage with red hues and veins underleaf and we presume, pink flowers. Hardiness is unknown but we would mulch it well in zone 8 gardens. Ideally, overwinter frost-free until large enough to divide off a piece for trial outside in your garden. This would be a trial lamb.

Price: $16.00
In Stock
Begonia sp. MD12-42 Begonia sp. MD 12-42

Rhizomatous species from southern China with excellent foliage colored light red on the underside and olive-buff green on top with a ring of silver-white spots just in from the margin. This makes a fine clump to 20" tall in a container, more than holding its own with just foliage but the late season white flowers are welcome frosting on this particular Begonia cake.  This has been hardy here in the zone 8 Puget Sound with winter mulch. One of our better collections for sure.

Price: $16.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia sp. MD 12-63 Begonia sp. MD 12-63

Our collection from Asia from a mountain range little explored by westerners. One of the rhizomatous types allied to palmata which we expect will have hardiness down into zone 8 especially if mulched. Flowers are either pink or white - memory has failed but can say definitively they are not blue.

Price: $16.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia sp. nova - DJH Collection Begonia sp. nova DJH

An undescribed species from a recent Hinkley collection in eastern Arunachal Pradesh.  A staggeringly good foliage plant fully clad in large deeply divided leaves and sporting yellow flowers - such a nice departure from pink!  These admittedly mingle within the foliage and teasingly tantalize in their allure.

Price: $20.00
In Stock
Begonia sp. U584 Begonia sp. U584

Impressive hardy begonia collected by Ozzie Johnson on Emei Shan in Sichuan.  This rhizomatous species looks tender as all get out but has overwintered in a number of Zone 7b gardens - admittedly not 7b for weeks at a time but still - heck yeah!  Brilliant red undersides and a burnished upper surface to the leaves are meant to go with the white flowers.

Price: $18.00
In Stock
Begonia sp. YuGu 301 Begonia sp. YuGu 301

A gorgeous begonia growing near small cardamom plantings along the trail in the forest heading to higher elevations.  Fantastic foliage with dark and sultry clouding and with undersides a vivid red and held by similarly colored stems furred in pale hairs.  The white flowers contrast perfectly.

Price: $28.00
(Out of Stock)
Begonia taiwaniana MWT237 Begonia taiwaniana MWT237

Narrow blade leaves are maculated in white and the upright stems bear small pink flowers in mid to late summer.  A very interesting new addition to the hardy Begonia palette as this has a different look than what one usually sees.  Mulch if winter is wicked.

Price: $15.00
(Out of Stock)
Bergenia 'Ballawley' Bergenia 'Ballawley'

Large green leaves in summer becoming muted somber puce in winter. This either heightens or lessens Seasonal Affective Disorder depending on how much you like puce. We do, so when we struggle emotionally with the unrelenting gray, a stroll by Ballawley keeps us briefly but firmly tethered. Tall rich pink flowers.

Price: $20.00
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Bergenia 'David' Bergenia 'David'

A hybrid Bergenia from the breeding work of Rosemarie Eskuche in Germany.  'David' has smallish leaves which stand quite upright taking on good color in the winter.  Being smaller and upright lends itself to containers or the rock garden.  Intense pink flowers on stems to 16" in spring are impossible to ignore unless of course you decorate with plastic flamingos.

Price: $18.00
In Stock
Bergenia ciliata Bergenia ciliata

Nice hairy-leafed species from the Himalaya ranging from Nepal to Pakistan. This is semi-deciduous in our area and will go totally deciduous in colder zones. Like most Bergenia, this can take full sun,  but late spring frosts can ding the new leaves and pink flowers. Rounded hairy mid-green leaves with reddish petioles.

Price: $25.00
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Bergenia ciliata 'Susan Ryley' Bergenia ciliata 'Susan Ryley'

Named for the stringently impeccable plantswoman and designer, this large-leafed deciduous Bergenia with pink-white flowers is a worthy namesake. She had a deserved reputation of not brooking fools gladly but strangely was always pleased to see us - perhaps a case of the exception proving the rule.

Price: $25.00
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Bergenia pacumbis 'Graham's Form' Bergenia pacumbis 'Graham's Form'

Dramatic Bergenia from legendary OR nurseryman Russell Graham and we have named it so in appreciation and to keep this clone distinct.  One of the most frustrating plants in our garden, not for us but for pleading customers as we've never offered it.  Deciduous leaves up to a rounded square foot and white-pink flowers.

Price: $30.00
In Stock
Bergenia purpurascens 'Irish Crimson' Bergenia purpurascens 'Irish Crimson' syn. 'Helen Dillon'

Excellent Irish selection formerly called 'Helen Dillon' but determined to be properly 'Irish Crimson'  One of the most requested plants in our garden and forever associated with the amazing gardener Helen Dillon.  Small upright leaves brilliantly colored in winter with vivid pink flowers.  Very few from division.

Price: $40.00
(Out of Stock)