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Gentiana cf. sino-ornata CDHM 14540 clone B
Gentiana sp. Gesala 'B'

Family: Gentianaceae
Hardiness: Zone 4b-8
Mature Size: 3" tall x 10" wide
Exposure: Full sun in cooler areas, Part sun in hotter areas
Bloom Time: August-September
Water Needs: Moist acidic rich soil
Origin: China
Price: $16.00
Pot Size: 4" Pot

Stock Status:In Stock

Product Code: P4687

Our collection from a wet alpine meadow in Sichuan at 10,000 feet where this mingled with lepidote Rhododendrons, Primula and Polygonum.  A tantalizing array of forms of sino-ornata, but this one's veitchiorum gestalt with its dark blue flowers and somewhat broader foliage kept resisting positive ID, so we are open as always to outside confirmation. Pretty sure there are no papillae on the stems but have not taken a lens to them, so likely just a good dark sino-ornata.  Amazing how running a nursery cuts into your hand lens time!