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Epimedium 'Crime Scene' Epimedium 'Crime Scene'

Our 2014 introduction  from a cross between Epimedium grandiflorum 'Queen Esta' and E. acuminatum L575 with fine mauve-red flowers and fantastic new foliage vividly splashed in splatters of red.  It is apparent we have watched too much CSI, Criminal Minds, True Blood and the odd, graphic Nature.

Price: $45.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium borealiguizhouense Epimedium borealiguizhouense

A mouthful we'll grant you, for this Epimedium from Guizhou, China.  Vigorous evergreen species with long leaves in 3's in stems to 18" tall.  This can get to 4' or more wide and will provide a mass of inspired texture.  The mist of up to 150 tiny white and yellow flower motes per stem are curious contrast to the substantial foliage.

Price: $30.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium fargesii Epimedium fargesii

Fairy Wings Epimedium or Bishop's Cap.  This is one of the most elegant of the numerous species and cultivars of Epimedium with long blade-like leaflets nicely colored when young and white flowers like drifting parachutes in a Lilliputian fantasy.  Hails from China and a necessary addition to the shade garden.

Price: $22.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium leptorrhizum 'Mariko' Epimedium leptorrhizum 'Mariko' OG 93009

A very good, not scary, evergreen groundcover.  'Mariko' is a selection from a collection by Mikinori Ogisui, incredible plantsman and plant explorer, who named it for his wife.  Judging by the graceful spidery flowers with showy pink sepals and white spurs and petals plus bronzy new growth, Mariko herself has it all going on.

Price: $30.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium platypetalum Epimedium platypetalum

Quite an uncommon evergreen species in cultivation from Shaanxi and Sichuan possessing an impish charm to which few others in the genus can lay claim. A smaller species to 12" with cute rounded leaflets which subtend stems bearing rounded simple spurless flowers which are a soft yellow.  Good drought tolerance on this winsome cutey,

Price: $22.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium sp. 'The Giant' Epimedium sp. 'The Giant'

Amazing find by Darrell Probst in China who found this one plant growing under shrubs where it had a 4' flowering stem which he estimated had up to 1500 flowers!  This is unique in the genus in having indeterminate flowering - it just keeps going for months!  Spidery yellow flowers keeps bringing it on sprawling stems.

Price: $50.00
(Out of Stock)
Epimedium wushanense - Spiny Leaf Seedlings Epimedium wushanense - Spiny Leaf Seedling

This is a seedling from one of the best clones of Darrell Probst's Spiny Leaf forms. The mama plant has luscious large bronzed new foliage with nice teeth on the margins and large creamy yellow flowers on low arching stems. The seedlings vary in flower color from light yellow to purplish flowers but all have seriously good foliage.

Price: $18.00
In Stock